Thursday, October 22, 2009

Log Day 36

Well, the cold front finally came through, but it brought with it a lot of rain. I'm hoping to catch a break in the weather today, and do a little car hawking, so I made her hit target weight yesterday at noon. I did this, so that I could feed her a little extra, and have 36 hours between feeds. Hopefully, that will make her a little more focused on food, and we can have a productive session today. So, yesterday at noon, she weighed 1028 grams. I did a hundred or so jump ups, for 95 grams of tidbits, and then stuck her outside to weather a little bit in the rain (gotta sharpen up those tallons!). For some reason, a starling decided to fly into my garage about this time, so I snatched him up, and will be giving Dee Dee fresh starling to end the session on (unless we catch something else that is!). Last night at 7:00 PM, she weighed in at 1095 grams....that should put her just about right!