Monday, September 21, 2009

Log update and weekend adventures

End of DAY 3 (9-18) At 5:30, she weighed 1147 grams, and was still way too distracted/fat to want to eat anything. DAY 4 (9-19): At 7:45 AM, she weighed in at 1115 grams. She lost 32 grams in 14 hours, at a ROL of 2.29 GPH. She ate most of a starling, and when I put her up at 8:20 AM, she was at 1171 grams. At 7:00 PM, she was at 11:45 grams; she had lost 26 grams in 11 hours @ a ROL of 2.36 GPH. Not really sure what I was thinking, but I went ahead and fed her another two sparrows, which brought her up to 1183 grams when i put her up at 8:00 PM. DAY 5 (9-20) At 7:15 PM, she was at 1148 grams, which meant she only lost 35 grams in 23 hours, at a ROL of 1.52 GPH. About that time, I realized we had put her bell on, and tail mounted her transmitter, so those numbers are pretty much way off. Because of all the food she ate the day before, she wasn't interested in putting forth the effort to bend down and eat, so she got nothing. DAY 6 (9-21) At 7:00 AM, she weighed in at 1126 grams. She lost 22 grams in 11 hours, @ a ROL of 2 GPH. That is a total body mass loss so far of 117 grams from the trap, or a loss of 9.41%...which means she still has a bit to come down for sure! She seemed a little interested in food this morning, but wouldn't take the effort to bend down....she should be hungry enough tonight though. I made it out to Bartlesvill yesterday (Sunday) morning, and did a little hawking with Jonathan and Kent. The dew was crazy heavy in the morning, so we had to take the occasional feather drying break, but over all, he flew pretty well. Had quite a few nice flights, and he got really close to connecting with another kill. The closest he got to catching one, involved him grabbing the back end of the rabbit, and going for a short rodeo ride, before eventually getting kicked off. Pretty sure next time, he is going to aim more for the head! Here is a picture of the harris drying off by the truck.

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